The Code Page

function getValues() {
// get values for fizz and buzz
let fizz = document.getElementById("fizzValueID").value;
let buzz = document.getElementById("buzzValueID").value;

// validation
fizz = parseInt(fizz);
buzz = parseInt(buzz)
if (Number.isInteger(fizz) && Number.isInteger(buzz)) {
    fizz < -100 || fizz> 100 ?"The number for Fizz is outside of the specified range.") : null;
    buzz < -100 || buzz> 100 ?"The number for Buzz is outside of the specified range.") : null;

        // clear DOM

        let numbersArray = new Array(100).fill().map((_, idx) => idx + 1);

        genHTML(numbersArray, fizz, buzz);

        } else {"Please Enter Numbers Only");

        // generate the html to be written
        function genHTML(numbersArray, fizz, buzz) {
        let string = "";
        numbersArray.forEach((i) => {

        if (i % fizz == 0 && i % buzz == 0) {
        // if i % fizz && buzz write fizz buzz
        string = `
            ${i} - FizzBuzz

        } else if (i % fizz == 0) {
        // if i % fizz write fizz
        string = `
            ${i} - Fizz

        } else if (i % buzz == 0) {
        // if i % buzz write buzz
        string = `
            ${i} - Buzz
        } else {
        // if else write number
        string = `
        // simple write to element function
        function writeHTML(htmlStr) {
        let tableBody = document.getElementById("resultsID")
        htmlStr == "" ? tableBody.innerHTML = "" : tableBody.innerHTML += htmlStr;

The code {...}


gets the inputs, validates, clears the DOM, and runs the genHTML function.

genHTML(numbersArray, fizz, buzz)

Takes the numbers 1-100, the user input fizz and buzz, checks if the number is a multiple and creates the html to send back to the DOM.


Takes the html string from genHTML() and writes it to the DOM.